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Collaboration kə-​ˌla-​bə-​ˈrā-​shən / noun

a working relationship as partners  

We like to mesh. Around?                        Most of the time. And have fun. But more importantly, we really like to mesh with the people that we work with. Clients, suppliers, freelancers, did we say clients?

It doesn’t matter who you are, we are eager to collaborate and explore with like minded people to produce, create, and develop effectively creative work. Even when the toughest battle is the budget.

We do what we can, in the best way possible. And we do that together with our partners. Who we end up being good friends with.

That’s what it means to mesh with us. You can always sit with us.

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(Your) Collaboratemates

We are diverse and that’s what makes us original.
But for real, we just want to show off our new photos.

Toc Specialist

Our TOC Specialist who also specializes in taking care of four legged furiends.


Accounting Associate

Our ESports athlete’s companion who knows musical notes and photos as much as numbers.


Accounting Associate

The other half of our accounting team who loves numbers, reading, and watching musicals.


Accounting Supervisor

Our young accountant who eats, breathes, and lives Valorant!


What We Bring To The Table.


Briefings, meetings, alignments and all other important and necessary stuff.

Creative Ideation | Concept Development | Scriptwriting | Illustration |

Storyboarding | Photo boarding | Research | Talent Casting | Location Hunting and Recce


The fun part, the actual grind, long days and nights, where the magic happens.

Logistics Management | Directing | Full-scale Production | Virtual or Remote Production |

Event Coverage | Livestreaming | Movie Production

Post production

Where everything comes together, the exciting part.

Augmented Reality Filters | Offline Editing | Online Editing | Motion Graphics | Visual Effects and Compositing | Color Grading

 Our Partners

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